Sign Up process can be taken by following the below steps:
Click "Sign Up" button on the top-right of the screen.
Step 2 to 5 screenshot
Mention your first name, last name, email address & password.
The password given here will be used to login into NewGenEducationApp.
Accept our terms of service by ticking the checkbox.
Click "Start Your Signup for free"
Step 6 screenshot
A verification link will be sent to your email.
Step 7 screenshot
Click 'confirm your email' or simply copy-paste the link.
Step 8 to 10 screenshot
Select the country code & Mention your phone number
Click verify button.
A verification code will be sent to the given mobile number.
Step 11 screenshot
Mention the code and click "submit”.
Step 12, 13 screenshot
Select the Institute type that better suits your Institute.
Mention the number of students in the Institute.
Step 14 to 16 screenshot
Select the required features.
Mention whether Institute will buy the server hits usage for parent/student or parent/student will buy their server hits usage.
Mention the Institute mail ID from which the parent mail notifications will be sent.
Step 17 screenshot
Mention the address of your Institute.
Step 18 to 22 screenshot
Mention the Country in which your Institute is located at.
Mention the local language spoken in the geographical area where your Institute is located.
Mention the currency which is used to handle transactions in your Institute.
Mention the Time Zone at which your Institute is located at.
Click the continue button.
Step 23, 24 screenshot
Mention your Institute name.
Upload your Institute logo. If you do not have a logo yet, you can upload later in menu Institute->General configuration.
Step 25 to 29 screenshot
Mention name of the Admin user.
By default, the system will provide an auto-generated Employee/Staff ID for admin which can be used. If the institute wants to assign their Staff ID for admin, then that ID can be entered.
Mention the educational qualification of the admin user.