Admin User Manual

Admin User Manual > Configurations > Staff Profiles
Staff Profiles
Menu path :Configurations > Staff Profiles

Here the Institute can create profile for different types of Staffs. There are 3 types of staffs,
  • Admin user – They can manage & approve all the activities of other users & configurations, they are super user in the application and have authorization and Auto authorization power. It means that any action done by them in the application does not need approval while they need to approve other type of user’s actions in the application. However, if institute wants to give auto authorization or authorization power to specific menu operations for any specific non admin user, it can be done in User=>Role screen. Please refer User=> Role section for more information. For example, Head, Principal, Management directors, shareholders or Board Members and Administrators can play Admin role in the Application.
  • Teacher- They are responsible for the teaching activities performed on class environment. They can do attendance, Exam assessment, soft skill assessments, Extracurricular Event planning and execution, maintaining online virtual classrooms, Learning management systems etc.
  • Other staffs - They are responsible for all the non-teaching tasks, such as managing notifications, fees, timetables, exam schedules etc. For example, Institution administrative office staffs
  • Once institutes sign up into the application, one Admin profile will be created for the person who signs up into the application. This admin user can create other staff profiles, and then other staffs can login and do the operations, they can create other teacher profiles.

How to Create Staff Profile?-Main Details Image
Staff Profile-Main Details

Screen Fields Overview

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Data Nature Remarks
Staff Name Text Yes Alpha numeric character Name of the Staff should be given in the field staff name
Staff ID Text Yes Alpha numeric character By default, system will provide an auto-generated Staff ID that can be used. If institute wants to assign their own staff ID, System defaulted ID can be replaced with own staff Id
User Type Radio button, (Option can be chosen) Yes Choose any of the given options
  1. Admin
  2. Teacher
  3. Other Staff
The type of the staff role. Each type has its own set of functionalities
Admin - Approver or Management users
Teacher – Performs Teaching Activities
Other Staff- Nonteaching staffs
Upload photo Choose File No Image file should be less than 1MB size and should be .png or .jpg extn Upload a profile picture of the staff
Qualification Text Box No Alpha numeric characters Staff's educational qualification
DOB Date picker No Date Staffs Date of birth should be mentioned in the field
Gender Drop down Yes Select any one below
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Other
Staffs gender should be mentioned
Note Text No Alpha Numeric characters If there are any notes about the staff. The maker can Enter in this field Note.
Address Details
Address Line 1,
Address Line 2,
Address Line 3,
Address Line 4,
Address Line 5
Text No Alpha Numeric characters Detailed address of the staff.
Family Details
Name Text Yes Alpha Numeric characters Staff’s family members Name should be mentioned in this field.
Relationship Drop down Yes Select any one below
  1. Father
  2. Mother
  3. Spouse
  4. Grand Father
  5. Grand Mother
  6. Guardian
Staff’s family members Relationship should be mentioned.
Occupation Text No Alpha Numeric characters Staff’s family members Occupation can be mentioned.
Email Text No Alpha Numeric characters Staff’s family members Email can be mentioned.
other Details
Contact Number Text No Numeric characters Staff’s Contact number should be mentioned.
Mail Text Yes Alpha Numeric characters Staff’s Mail should be mentioned.
Blood Group Dropdown Yes Select any one below
  1. A+
  2. A-
  3. B+
  4. B-
  5. O+
  6. O-
  7. AB+
  8. AB-
  9. A1+B
  10. Others
Staff’s Blood group can be mentioned.
Existing medical details Text No Alpha Numeric characters Staff’s Medical record can be mentioned.

Q: How to Create the Staff Profile?

Staff Profile can be Created by following the below steps:
  • Choose Menu (Configurations > Staff Profiles) from Menu tree
  • Click “Create” in the menu in step 1.
  • Fill in the necessary fields. (refer to the screen fields overview table above)
  • Click “Next” at the bottom of the screen to move on to the next steps.
  • In order to add new family member for staff.
    • Press “+” button, New empty record will be created
    • Then enter Family Details
  • Once reach the last step, you may enter remarks about the Creation. This remark can be seen in the field ‘maker remarks’, under the audit tab of the full record view. If the maker of the record wants to convey some message to the checker or they want to keep some notes, they can type it here. The Checker can see the same before authorization under the audit tab in the screens.
  • Click “Save” in the last step.


  • Admin, Teacher and Other Staff can create the Staff profile.

Q: How to view the Staff Profile?

Staff profile can be Viewed by following the below steps:
  • Choose Menu (Configurations > Staff Profiles) from Menu tree.
  • Click “View” in the step1.
  • You will see the filter screen now, where in you can see below search filters which can be used to list out the records
    • Staff Name
    • Staff ID
    • Auth Status
    • AuthStatus filter can be used to fetch records which are either Authorized (Verified) or unauthorized (Not Verified) by admin
      Please type value for any one of the above filters and then press next
  • You can see all the resulted records which are satisfied by your above chosen search filter.
  • If there is only one resulted record for the given filter, system will automatically take you next step, otherwise click on record which needs to be Viewed
  • Then System will bring full detailed view of the record; You can see Main, general, Address, Family, Others, Notes and audit tabs. you can click the tab to see corresponding details.

Q: How to Modify the Staff Profile?

Staff profile can be modified by following the below steps:
  • Choose Menu (Configurations > Staff Profiles) from Menu tree
  • Click “Edit” in the step1.
  • You will see the filter screen now, wherein you can see below search filters which can be used to list out the records.
    • Staff Name
    • Staff ID
    • Auth Status
    • AuthStatus filter can be used to fetch records which are either Authorized (Verified) or unauthorized (Not Verified) by admin
      Please type value for any one of the above filters and then press next
  • You can see all the resulted records that are satisfied by your above-chosen search filter.
  • Then click on record which needs to be modified.
  • System will bring full detailed view of the record; you can see Main, General, Address, Family, Others, Notes and audit tabs. You can click the tab to modify corresponding details.
  • You can change the details of the required fields.
  • In order to add more family member to the staff,
    • Press “+” button, to add record will be created
    • Then enter Family Details
  • In order to remove family member if the staff,
    • Press “-” button, record will be removed
  • Click “Next” in the bottom on the screen.
  • Once reach the last step, you may enter remarks about the Modification. This remark can be seen in the field ‘maker remarks’, under the audit tab of the full view of the record. If maker of the record wants to convey some message to checker or they want to keep some notes, they can type it here. Checker can see the same before authorization under the audit tab in the screens.
  • Click “Save”.

Admin, Teacher and Other Staff can Modify the Staff profile.

Modification scenarios

Modification can be done for the following scenarios:
  • If there is a change in already existing record of Staff profile.

Q: How to Delete the Staff Profile?

Staff Profile can be Deleted by following the below steps:
  • Choose Menu (Configurations > Staff Profiles) from Menu tree.
  • Click “Delete” in the step1.
  • You will see the filter screen now, where in you can see below search filters which can be used to list out the records
    • Staff Name
    • Staff ID
    • Auth Status
    • AuthStatus filter can be used to fetch records which are either Authorized (Verified) or unauthorized (Not Verified) by admin
      Please type value for any one of the above filters and then press next
  • You can see all the resulted records which are satisfied by your above-chosen search filter.
  • If there is only one resulted record for the given filter, the system will automatically take your next step, otherwise click on the record which needs to be deleted.
  • System will bring full detailed view of the record.
  • Click “Delete” in the bottom of the screen.

The Person who Creates the Record can only delete that record.

Deletion scenarios

Deletion can be done for the following scenario:
  • Teacher/Other staff mistakenly created the staff profile, and it is not yet authorized by Admin, they can delete the record.
  • Teacher/Other staff mistakenly modify the staff profile, and it is not yet authorized by Admin, they can delete the modification version.

Q: How to Authorize the Staff Profile?

Authorize means that record created or modified by one staff should be verified by admin.
If one level of authorization steps is not required , you can avoid the same by allowing auto-authorization for Teacher / Other staff users. This can be done from User->Role screen, Please refer user manual of User -> Role screen for more details.
Profile configuration can be authorized by following the below steps.
  • Choose Menu (Configurations > Staff Profiles) from Menu tree
  • Click “Authorize” in step1.
  • The unauthorized Profile configuration record will be displayed
  • Click “Next” in the bottom on the screen.
  • Once you reach last step, if you want to enter any remarks about this authorization or rejection, you can enter here. This can be viewed under “Checker Remarks” field of audit tab of the full record view.
  • Click “Auth” or “Reject”.

  • Authorize means that record created or modified by one staff should be verified by admin.
  • If the record is modified by admin, then that record is Auto authorized or Auto Verified. So, there is no need of authorization or verification by another admin.
  • During Authorization admin can either Authorize or Reject the created or modified records. They can reject the record in the case of error in modification.

Authorization scenarios

Authorization can be done for the following scenarios:
  • After creation or modification, in order to apply the changes throughout the application, it requires an authorization or verification from the admin.
  • During verification, Admin can find the human errors.

Case Study