Admin User Manual

Admin User Manual > Report > Class
Class Report
Menu path : Report -> Class

This report gives holistic view of given Class. It shows you below details about the class
  • Class name
  • Number of students
  • Class Teacher
  • Attendance details
  • Exam performance
    • Grade wise summary
    • Mark analysis
  • Fee amount summary
  • Other activity summary

How to take Class  Report?- Class details Image
Class Report-Class details
How to take Class Report?-Attendance Summary details Image
Class Report-Attendance Summary details
How to take Class Report?-Exam Performance Report details Image
Class Report-Exam Performance Report details
How to take Class Report?-Mark Analysis details Image
Class Report-Mark Analysis details
How to take Class Report?-Other Activity Summary Image
Class Report-Other Activity Summary

Q: How Admin can take the report for a given Class?

Report can be taken for a given Class by following the below steps:
  • Choose Menu (Report=>Class) from Menu tree.
  • You will see the filter screen now, where in you can see “Class” search filter which can be used to generate report for a given class.
  • Enter Class code for which class report needs to be generated.
  • After entering the filter values, please press next.
  • Then System will bring full detailed view of the Class report; You can either print or download the report by clicking corresponding buttons in the bottom.

Attendance summary

In Attendance summary you can see the fields present average, absent average, leave average, present percentage, absent percentage and leave percentage. The calculation of those fields described below,

Year Month Present(%) Absent(%) Leave(%) Present Average Absent Average Leave Average
2020 DEC 82.61 12.17 5.22 19 2.8 1.2
2021 JAN 91.43 3.81 4.76 19.2 0.8 1
2020 FEB 83 8 9 16.6 1.6 1.8

Present Average

Present Average = sum of no of present days of all students in the class and month/ No of students in the class

For example, The present days for the students in class 6 and month 1 are follows


Present average = (25+24+20)/3 = 23

Absent Average

Absent average = sum of no of absent days of all students in the class and month/ No of students in the class

For example, The absent days for the students in class 6 and month 1 are follows


Present average = (1.5+2+3)/3 = 2.16

Leave Average

Leave Average = sum of no of leave days of all students in the class and month/ No of students in the class

For example, The Leave days for the students in class 6 and month 1 are follows


Present average = (1.5+2+5)/3 = 2.83

Present Percentage

Present Percentage = (Present average/ No of working days in month) * 100

For example, If present average = 23 and no of working days in the month is 28

Present Percentage = (23/28) * 100 = 82.14%

Absent Percentage

Absent Percentage = (Absent average/ No of working days in month) * 100

For example, If Absent average = 2.16 and no of working days in the month is 28

Absent Percentage = (2.16/28) * 100 = 7.71%

Leave Percentage

Leave Percentage= (Leave average/ No of working days in month) * 100

For example, If Leave average = 23 and no of working days in the month is 28

Leave Percentage= (2.83/28) * 100 = 10.10%