This report gives Parent Notifications generated for the given period. It shows you below details about the Notifications
Notification type
Student ID
Notification status
Reference ID
Notification Report-General details
Notification Report-Message details
Q: How Admin can take the Notifications report?
Notifications Report can be taken by following the below steps:
Choose Menu (Report=>Notifications) from Menu tree.
You will see the filter screen now, where in you can see “From date” and “To Date” search filters which can be used to list out the Notifications for the given period.
Enter from Date and To Date for which Notifications report needs to be generated. You can use Notification Type filter to generate most specific notifications records. And you can use notification status filter to generate success or failed notification records. Failed notification records are non-delivered parent notification records.
After entering the filter values, please press next.
Then System will bring full detailed view of the Notifications report; You can either print or download the report by clicking corresponding buttons in the bottom.