
Admin Benefits

Timetable & Admin dashboard screenshot
  • Managing directors, Principal, Head of the department, Head Teacher and other management level people of the K-12 schools, college, Training institutes can play admin role in the application.
  • There is automated workflow for admin approval for actions like Fees configuration, Exam schedule, Timetable, Exam assessment declarations, eCirculars, parent notifications etc.
  • There are various decision making reports like Staff performance report, Staff leave substitution availability report, Exam performance report for whole institute, Fees and payments report, etc. It helps admin to take quick and accurate decisions.
  • Automated digital tool for Timetable & Exam schedule configuration avoids human error and helps to save admin’s valuable timing.
  • Fee Management helps admin to define various fees and donations applicable for different group of students, and also helps to monitor paid and non-paid statuses easily.
  • It helps to minimise operating expenses by avoiding lot of paper printing and maintenance.
  • Event Planner and Teaching schedule planner can get rid of all manual tedious tasks.
  • Institute can maintain their own learning management system and the same can be used for next year students as well until syllabus is being changed.
  • Multiple institutes can be managed under single application.
  • Increases staff productivity, students’ academic performance and increases institute reputation and ranking .
Timetable & Admin dashboard screenshot

Teacher Benefits

Exam assessment & Teacher dashboard screenshot
  • NewGenEducationApp minimises the teachers’ work pressure as much as possible by overcoming non-teaching works like maintaining the student attendance registers, examination assessment sheets, ranking and grade declarations, soft skill assessment, etc.
  • Learning management system solution gives modern digital technologies advantages for teachers to do their teaching tasks in easy and effective manner, they can prepare the learning collaterals which can be reused for next year students, they can even create video lessons for student referral, it improves student interest on their studies.
  • Lesson planner helps to plan and execute their teaching sessions for the academic or semester period.
  • Teachers can closely monitor their classes’ performance by digital reports and it is simplifying the preparation of parent review meeting reports.
  • No pain of signing or logging into multiple applications/sites/portals and maintaining them, you can find all your digital solution needs under single platform.

Parent Benefits

Notification & Parent dashboard screenshots
  • NewGenEducationApp is one of the best parenting tool available, Easy tracking of children’s education performances and helps to take right decisions on right time regarding kids’ education needs.
  • You can attend parent review meetings & make fee payments through your mobile phones anytime and anywhere. No worry about missing important dates of kids’ education events and schedules.
  • Learning management system helps parent to find the teacher notes, instructions and assignments on each lesson and they can share them to kids and closely monitor their kids’ academic performance. Video lessons improves kids’ interest on studies.
  • Student Learning planner helps parents to plan their kids daily learning schedule and execute them.
  • Even if your kids are studying in different institutes, you can track them in single application.
Notification & Parent dashboard screenshots

Student Benefits

Timetable & Video lesson screenshots
  • Students are the future of this world. The main objective of NewGenEducationApp invention is that No student should feel bore about their education, it increases the interest level of students on their studies.
  • No need to worry about paper writing and maintenance, student can create their own digital notes on their lesson and share the same to their friends and teachers, it helps students to save the cost of Note books and stationery.
  • No worries about missing the important dates of their academic schedules.
  • Students can plan themselves their daily learnings using learning planner. So that they don’t have to worry on studying hard a day before the examinations.
  • Students can create discussion forums among their friends and teacher to discuss about their doubts and queries on lesson. They can also contribute or share their knowledge to forums created by others.